Thursday, April 16, 2009

from the get go

i wasn't sure how motherhood would suit me. i never liked babies. hell i still don't like babies.
and forget about the thought of being pregnant. too sci-fi for my taste. but one morning i woke up with the greatest urge to become a mom. so i trotted off to my hub (who proclaimed to the parents' there would be a honeymoon-grandbaby) and told him that we'd better get busy - pun intended - because i would probably change my mind tomorrow. ~10 months later came the babe.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


this is penny. of p & l. i'm a friend to most, mother to one and wifey to a fabu man.

i'm a number cruncher by day and dreamer by night. i have a passion for a wide variety of things. oftentimes without focus. that's where this journal will be a confidant - join me, this is going to be fun.

i promise to pop in often. how often? well it will be determined by what's flying around in this noggin. might be a lot or none at all. you'll just have to check out and see.

where? well here, silly.

because motherhood is a crazy thing...and where else am i going to bitch about it? and i'll share some of the great things i'm working on.

until next time.
